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Exercise: the Natural Way to Help You Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Another sleepless night? Many Burnsville, MN adults have trouble sleeping at some point and prefer to find natural way to fight insomnia. Studies show moderate exercise may help.

Chronic insomnia, defined as difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, awakening too early in the morning, or nonrestorative sleep, is the most common sleep disorder among adults.

A study by the Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) found moderate exercise, not heavy aerobic, improved sleep among insomnia patients. Although the exact reasons are not known, they may because exercise raises your body heat, and the post-exercise decrease in heat may promote falling asleep.

In a poll by the National Sleep Foundation, they found people who identified as “exercisers” reported better sleep. For those who were not insomniacs, regular vigorous exercise lead to very good night’s sleep. But, even those who engaged in moderate exercise reported sleeping better, when they worked-out. Even an added 10 minutes of movement, improved sleep. So, if you can’t get to the gym, stand-up from your desk and take a quick walk.


Most people report exercising late in the evening close to bedtime sometimes interfered with their sleep. If that is true for you, consider working-out earlier in the day.

For insomniacs, exercising mid-day provided the best timing for helping them to sleep. It may take longer (even up to a few months) for the effects of regular exercise to provide improved sleep for insomnia sufferers.

Tips for a great night’s sleep from AASM:

  • Go to bed at the same time each night
  • Schedule a full 7-9 hours for sleep each night
  • Set your alarm to get-up at the same time each day (even weekends)
  • Avoid caffeine prior to bedtime
  • Don’t go to bed hungry and too full
  • Create a relaxing bedtime setting that is quiet, dark and cool
  • Leave your worries behind

If you are feeling pain or out-of-sorts, your body will have problems sleeping. See your chiropractor for a full evaluation and a plan to get your body back into condition, so you can exercise and sleep. 


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