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Chiropractic Help for Your Twisted or Sprained Ankle

Who hasn’t walked down the sidewalk in Burnsville, MN and twisted an ankle? Most of the time, the ankle will feel better within a short while, but many times you may have created a weakness in the ankle or even sprained it. Your chiropractor can diagnose the issue, get back on your feet faster and help prevent repeat injuries.

The immediate protocol after you injure your ankle includes:

  1. Protect the injured area
  2. Rest
  3. Ice (this is the most important one!)
  4. Compress
  5. Elevate

Your chiropractor can diagnose the extent of the injury and discuss rehab for the ankle. Rehabbing will help prevent future scar tissue and sprains.

Treatment methods may include:

  • Recommend exercises to help strengthen the ankle
  • Adjust the ankle, foot and spine for proper alignment
  • Evaluate whether insoles or orthotics to keep your feet in alignment

Research has shown foot and ankle adjustments help with balance and posture. One study found those treaded with adjustment had reduced pain, increased range of motion and ankle function.  Another study looked at the effects of manipulation on hockey players’ sprained ankles, and found improvement the weight distribution of the foot and ankle. 

So, the next time you twist your ankle, don’t ignore it. Have it evaluated and look forward to your next great walk (once the snow melts). 


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