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How Massage and Chiropractic Work Together to Help You Heal

The benefits of combining massage therapy with chiropractic care works to keep the entire body aligned and balanced. While chiropractic works the hard tissue, like bones and joints; massage focuses on manipulating the soft tissue, thus complimenting each other, well. Working together, massage and chiropractic facilitate the body’s natural healing.

Many folks focus on “feeling good” after a massage, but the real benefits include improved circulation, blood flow, relaxation, decreased pain and reduced stress. With massage and chiropractic treatments, the body releases built-up toxins, which are best flushed by drinking more water.

When your body is out-of-alignment, the muscles start to contract to the new shape. Massage helps the body ease into the correct position by loosening the muscles and help train them into their new positions.

There are two schools of thought on the best time to get a massage. Some feel it is more effective before a chiropractic adjustment, where it can help prevent spasms from the adjustment and make it easier for the vertebrae to move more easily. Others feel it is better after an adjustment, where it will soften the muscles and allow the adjustment to stay in the new position longer. It is believed the answer depends on the individual.

By choosing to compliment your chiropractic care with massage therapy, you will improve your body’s ability to heal faster. 


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