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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Relief from Chiropractic Care

The millions of people suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), including many Burnsville, MN residents, can receive drug-free relief from chiropractic care. They do not need to suffer from tingling and numbness in the hands fingers and wrist, swelling of the fingers, dry palms, blanching of the hands and pain. These symptoms sometimes manifest in the upper arm, elbow, shoulder and neck.

What is CTS?

CTS is caused by a pinched nerve in the wrist (or carpal). The bones form a tunnel-like structure, where nine tendons and the median nerve pass. When the area is restricted, CTS occurs.

Who has it?

CTS is most common in people who do repetitive motions. Office workers, musicians and assembly line workers are prone to CTS. More women then men have it. Injury to the hand or wrist, arthritis and fluid retention during pregnancy or menopause are known causes. 

Finding Relief

Several research studies have shown chiropractic care has a high degree of success in treating carpal tunnel syndrome. Your chiropractor will recommend the best therapy for you, which may include:

  • Manipulation of the spine, wrist and elbow
  • Soft tissue manipulation
  • Resting of the hand and wrist
  • Avoiding some activities, which may cause further damage
  • Immobilizing the area
  • Applying cold packs to reduce swelling

Spinal misalignment has been observed in many patients with CTS. Nerve compression in your neck can block the flow of nutrients to the nerves in your arm, shoulder, wrist and hand.

Preventing CTS

The American Chiropractic Association recommends the following tips:

  • Do on-the-job conditioning, like stretching and light exercises
  • Take frequent rest breaks
  • Wear wrist splints
  • Wear fingerless gloves to keep your hands warm and flexible
  • Use correct posture and wrist position
  • Develop workplace ergonomic programs

If you feel you are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, you should see your chiropractor for an evaluation. You can find relief from the pain and numbness.


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