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The Runner and the Chiropractor

It’s finally summer! Burnsville, MN runners are out on the streets, sidewalks and paths taking advantage of the great weather to get exercise. All runners worry about staying injury free, and chiropractic care can help runners maintain good health and, if you do have an injury, get you back on the road faster.

Many compare the human body to a car. If you maintain it properly and keep everything aligned, you are less likely to have a break-down. You also need to keep your spine and joints properly aligned to avoid injury, especially when you are running. Regular chiropractic assessment, will keep your body tuned and less likely to have a miss-step on the track.

No one likes an injury. Some researchers have estimated that up to 60% of runners will experience an injury that will limit their activities.  Your chiropractor can review the injury and propose a treatment plan to get you back on the running path. Chiropractic treatments may include:

  • Icing, heating, massage and gentle mobilizations.
  • Specific joint adjustments and mobilization techniques
  • Physical therapy, exercises and rehabilitation programs
  • Shoe orthotics for added stabilization

As with any sport, following a good exercise routine is key. It is recommended to:

  • Include core building strength-building exercises
  • Maintain good posture, which includes stabilizing your feet, as well.
  • Follow a training schedule which logically builds your strength, endurance and decreases your times.

Want more information? You can find a great testimonial on Yahoo Sports. Enjoy the run.


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