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What is Sciatica and How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

“I have sciatica.” You’ve probably heard a Burnsville, MN neighbor or family member make this statement, and then rub their lower back or hip or leg. But, what is it? A hip issue? And, how can chiropractic care help?

The Sciatic nerve originates in the lower back, goes through the buttocks and down the leg. The pain running through this area is often attributed to this nerve and can be the result of a lumbar spine subluxations, herniated disk, a bone spur on the spine compresses part of the nerve, diabetes, sitting on one's back pocket wallet and constipation.

Another possible cause of sciatica is Piriformis Syndrome, named for the piriformis muscle which is located in the lower back and assists in hip rotation. An injury to this muscle can pinch the sciatic nerve which runs below the piriformis muscle.

Common symptoms include:

  • Lower back pain
  • Constant pain in one buttock or leg. It is rarely on both sides.
  • Pain is worsened when sitting or standing, but feels better when lying down or walking.
  • The pain is sharp, and not dull, like electric shock or pins and needles.

All nerves start at the spinal column and sciatica is a nerve issue. Your chiropractor can access the issue and adjust the spine to relieve any compression. Other therapies, like cold press and strengthening and stretching exercise may be recommended, as well. Chiropractic is a drug-free, natural method for treating the source of the issue.

The good news is relief is often immediate, and you will not need surgery. Consult with your chiropractor if you feel you suffer from sciatica, and look forward to being pain-free.


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