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What is the Spinalator?

Folks in Burnsville, MN find a chiropractic adjustment to be the top factor for feeling better and allowing healing to last longer. But, sometimes, it an aide is needed, in the form of a Spinalator.

What is a Spinalator? 

The Spinalator is a form of an inter-segmental traction table.  The table has three rotating rollers on a triangle that rotates.  As this triangle rotates, the roller lifts and separates the segments of the spine.  During this motion, the rollers also elevate to increase the level of pressure to loosen tension in muscles to relax the patient before this adjustment.

The intersegmental traction Spinalator aides in reducing or stabilizing spinal degeneration and subluxation.

Five things intersegmental traction does: 

  1. Aids in straightening the spine.
  2. Aids in reducing arthritis and calcium deposits along you spine by exercising each joint.
  3. Aids in tightening and strengthening the ligaments and muscles that attach to the spine to hold it in place.
  4. Increases the blood supply to the spine to speed the healing of the nerves, muscles and discs.
  5. It feels good!

You just lie on the table, and the rollers gently uplift the body, opening-up the joints, moving the discs and stretching the muscles. All of this helps to stabilize the back. 

You can discuss the benefits of utilizing the benefits of the Sinalator with your chiropractor.


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