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Slipped disc? Let chiropractic care be your non-invasive help.

A slipped disc, or herniated disc, can cause a Burnsville, MN a great deal of pain. Before you schedule surgery, consider non-invasive treatment from your chiropractor. In most cases, the pain can be managed within a period of weeks.

What is a herniated disc? 

Between your vertebras, there are intervertebral discs that act like the shock absorbers and distributors for the vertebra. There are two parts to the discs, a tough outer layer called the annulus fibrosus, which keeps the inner gelatin-like area, nucleus pulposus, contained. If the annulus fibrosus tears or cracks, the inner disc can move or push-out.

There can be many causes, which can happen over time. Poor posture or being overweight are common stress factors.

Common symptoms of a herniated disc:

  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Leg or arm pain
  • Stiffness
  • Tenderness of the spine or muscles surrounding it

Chiropractic Treatment

Your chiropractor will begin with a physical exam and take your medical history.  They will want to see if your reflexes are intact, look at your muscle strength and review the path of the sensation of pain. X-rays are often helpful and in some cases a Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be ordered.

The most common treatment plans include spinal manipulation to ease the symptoms. It may also include manual therapy and physical therapy in the form of exercises. It’s important to keep active. Too much time on your back can create results that take longer to correct.

The American Academy of Chiropractic notes, you should seek immediate care if you are experiencing:

  • Loss of bowel or bladder control
  • Acute loss of feeling in both buttocks and/or both arms
  • Inability to walk or use your arms
  • A fever along with the back pain

As with any spinal injury, the best medicine is prevention. Exercise regularly, maintain correct posture and lift objects correctly, by bending your knees and never twist as you lift.

If you suspect you have a slipped disc, consult your chiropractor for a diagnosis.


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