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Infantile Colic and Chiropractic Care Help for the Crying Baby

Nothing hurts a Burnsville, MN parent more than an unhappy crying baby, and a colic baby will cry and cry and cry…. Beyond the crying, the baby often has flexed legs, tensed abdominal muscles, and clenched fingers. Studies have shown chiropractic offers a natural relief for the baby and the parents.

The cause of colic is not specifically known. There seems to be a relationship to cow’s milk in formula and even breast milk. But, the dietary changes do not always help. New research suggests colic may be the result of over-sensitivity and the baby’s inability to deal with stimulation in their environment.

How chiropractic can help:

Research shows chiropractic care has significant benefits over other treatments, like dietary changes, infant positioning and medication. A 2012 study by the National University of Health Sciences of over 100 parents concluded chiropractic therapy significantly improved the amount of crying time.

The first step is consulting your chiropractor for a full review of your baby’s health. Your chiropractor will address the underlying cause to the colic, not just the symptoms.

Parents should not be nervous about chiropractic adjustments on their baby.  The adjustments are very gentle and aim to restore proper nervous system functions, which is often the cause of the colic. 

If your baby is crying for two-hours or more, you might consider the natural way, chiropractic care, to relieve your baby’s pain. 


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