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8 Tips for Avoiding Injury When Raking Leaves

Our long warm fall has prolonged leaf raking time. So, many folks are finding their trees are just now losing their leaves. This time-honored fall chore can cause havoc on your back.

Nobody wants back pain. Before you rake or blow those leaves away, we have eight tips for keep avoiding injury and pain the next day. 

Dress for the weather

Fall weather can fluctuate quite a bit, so it is advisable to dress in layers. It’s never good to be too cold when exercising, and you also don’t want to get sweaty. Good supportive shoes that will provide good balance are a must.  Remember you want well-fitting gloves that are the appropriate weight for the weather. Good gloves help you avoid blisters and provide added grip. 

Warm up

Raking is exercise. Like all exercises, it is advisable to do a warm up. Consider going for a short walk and practicing lifting and bending. 

Stand up straight and don’t twist your back

Twisting your back is your enemy. Be conscious of your position.

Remember to keep your back straight and do not use it as momentum to move the leaves. Use your arms and legs for your power. 

Alternate sides and use different positions

Raking on one side is a repetitive motion. Any repetitive motion has a high chance of causing injury. 

Take breaks and don’t do too much at one time

You probably want to finish the entire yard during one afternoon. But, your body may be telling you to take a break. Listen to your body and allow yourself breaks every 10-15 minutes.

As with any exercise, be sure to drink plenty of water on your breaks.

If it feels like your body doesn’t want you to finish, it is time to listen to it. You can finish the raking later.

Use the blower strap

If you are using a leaf blower,  be sure to use the strap for support and balance. 

Rake dry leaves

It is tempting to rake on any warm day, but, remember that the wet leaves are heavy leaves. You will be exerting more effort than needed because the leaves are wet.

Wait for a dry day. You will be happy you did. 

Cool down

Take some time to cool down. Take a short slow walk and do some stretches. You will be glad you did the next day.

If you do over-do it and you back is in pain, make an appointment. We can evaluate the situation and get you a course to a speedy recovery.

Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash 


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