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Have you recently experienced a car accident?

Here are 7 important signs and symptoms that you should seek a chiropractic evaluation:

1. Stiffness when turning your neck

Often you’ll notice it first when driving: turning your head to look both at a 4-way stop, or when backing up your vehicle.  Simple everyday movement you never thought twice about now comes to your attention. Stiffness, soreness, and limited range of motion are often the first signs your body is “just off.”

2. Everyday activities feel more difficult or uncomfortable.

If tasks such as doing laundry, gardening, sitting at your desk, getting in and out of your car feel painful or more difficult, don’t ignore this. This is your body’s way of trying to tell you something.

3. Headaches

4. Numbness and tingling of your arms (or hands), legs (feet).

The sensation of numbness/tingling occurs most often when spinal alignment is off, caused by the nerves from the vertebrae being squeezed or pinched. Ignoring the first signs of spinal injury can often lead to more serious problems down the road as scar tissue and arthritis develop in the spinal cord. Immediate treatment can reverse this process, helping you restore your body to health before future complications causing discomfort or pain set in.

5. Insomnia, or changes in sleep patterns

6. Dizziness

7. Cognitive Difficulties with memory or concentration

Bottom line: If you experience any of the above symptoms, your long-term health and well-being may well depend on early treatment. Injuries caused from car accidents, even minor fender-benders, can take months or years to show up. By that time, the injury has often worsened, scar tissue has built up in muscles, and the pain has become much worse or unbearable.

Getting a chiropractic evaluation within the first month after the accident will help you get a handle on how your body may have been affected by the accident and early chiropractic treatment will help your body heal quickly, while also offsetting long-term chronic problems that could be in store down the road.

Chiropractic can make the difference! Schedule your free 30-minute evaluation exam today.


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