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The Olympic Athlete and Chiropractic Care

Olympic fever is HOT with the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia in full swing. Chiropractors are an important part of the wellness team for the athletes. 

Many of us think of chiropractic care for injuries, but chiropractic care helps athletes:

  • Increase mobility
  • Increase performance
  • Increase mobility
  • Increase flexibility
  • Reduce injuries
  • Receive natural care, which allows athletes to comply with Olympic rules against most drugs.

Chiropractic care has been a part of Olympic wellness for the past 10 years, but the Toronto Maple Leafs professional hockey team has utilized a chiropractic care since the 1950s.

If an athlete is injured, chiropractic adjustments will help return the spine to alignment and normal mobility without surgery. Combined with physical therapy and healing rest, athletes will be back at their sport more quickly.

For the athletes at the Sochi Winter Olympics, they see chiropractic as preventative and performance enhancing. Will you use it to help you reach your athletic goals?


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