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Back to School and the Scoliosis Evaluation

Back to school in Burnsville, MN middle schools usually means a scoliosis evaluation. The bending-over to review the spine is a right-of-passage and often scary to the kids being evaluated. What does it mean to have curved spine? What are my treatment options, and do they include chiropractic?

Scoliosis is a sideways curve of the spine that causes stiffness and pain. It is called an idiopathic disease because the cause of it is unknown. Scoliosis is more common in females and most often affects them between ages 10-15. However, merely 2 percent of the population is afflicted. If it is detected early, scoliosis treatment will prevent it from worsening over time.

Most exams for scoliosis include the Adam's Forward Bending Test, which has been adopted by many schools. It requires the person to bend at the waist as someone views the spinal alignment. If there is a significant curvature, an X-ray is usually the next to review the magnitude and location of the curvature.

Scoliosis is not usually progressive and can be managed with very little treatment. An orthopedic brace can be used to prevent the curve from worsening and does not limit physical activity. Moist heat will help alleviate some pain. In extreme cases surgery may be required but only after the continuous observation has shown that a brace is not helping.

Regular visits to your chiropractor can help detect spinal curvatures early, allowing evaluation and treatment to start before the curvature worsens. Several studies have documented the advantage of chiropractic treatment on children and teens who have scoliosis. Physical therapy helps to maintain stability and strengthens the muscles as they align into their proper position.

If you suspect a spinal curvature, see your chiropractor for a full evaluation, and don’t sweat bending-over for the test. 


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