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Helping Tips for Controlling Stress

For most Burnsville, MN residents, stress is a fact of life. Sometimes it can help give you focus, but it is more likely to cause pain, anxiety, depression and other health problems. Your chiropractor has tips for helping you control stress.


One of the best stress reducers is exercise. Consider a vigorous workout for 20 to 30 minutes four times a week. Additionally, you will be improving your physical health along with your mental health.

If an intense workout is too much for you, consider Tai chi, which is low impact, improves balance and may help with heart and lung functions.

Yoga offers meditation and self-regulation along with exercise. Yoga poses can help you improve your balance and muscle strength, which will help support your spine, and can help you recover from or prevent injury.

Great stress-controlling tips

  • Avoid stimulants like coffee, sugar and cigarettes.
  • Avoid the bad three: drinking, drugs and smoking.
  • Find time for daily periods of self-regulation, like: meditation, writing, muscular relaxation or painting.
  • Add a hobby to provide balance in your life.
  • Maintain a good self-image and let yourself feel in-control.
  • Indulge yourself! Get a facial, manicure, massage or go shopping.
  • Take a real vacation. Truly get-away and don’t check email or do work projects while you are away.
  • Budget your money. If you cut your finances too close, you may worry and increase stress.
  • Don’t have too many life changes at one time. Major changes like marriage, moving, job change or divorce are best handled individually.
  • Organize – keeping tidy spaces will help you cope with stress better.
  • Manage your schedule, so you are not over-scheduled.
  • Get your sleep. Go to bed early and keep a consistent schedule.

Finding balance in your life will lead to a less stressful life.

If you find stress has caused an injury, consult your chiropractor for a full evaluation.

Now, breathe. Please share your tips for dealing with stress. 


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