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Help for a Stiff Neck from Your Chiropractor

You wake up, and your neck doesn’t want to move. It feels stiff and thick. This has become a regular morning feeling for some Burnsville, MN residents. It’s not surprising. Many of us are hunched over laptops, tablets and phones without looking straight ahead. But, what can you do to make your neck feel better?

Causes of neck pain

There can be many causes of neck pain, including: wear and tear, overuse, arthritis, trauma, and, most commonly, poor posture. As we’ve discussed previously, forward head posturing afflicts many causing neck, head and back pain.

Stretches for a stiff neck: 

  1. Stretch and hold your neck for 10-15 seconds in all six ranges of motion: chin to chest, leaning your head back, ear to shoulder both left and right, chin to shoulder both left and right.
  2. Shoulder shrugs
  3. Upper back stretch – stretch your arms out in front of you and rotate your palms back and forth.
  4. Lie on your back on a bed with your head hanging over the edge. This will be the opposite position of the forward head posture that may be causing the stiffness.

These light stretches promote recovery and can be performed at home or the office.

Icing your neck for 15-20 minutes can reduce inflammation, which may reduce pain.  

How can your chiropractor help? 

Many neck injuries are caused or inflamed because of a subluxation of the spine. Your chiropractor is trained to detect any spinal injuries or problems. They can recommend an appropriate treatment.

As with any spinal injury, support is important. When your chiropractor says it is safe to exercise, get back in the gym to build muscles for supporting you spinal muscles. Additionally, maintain proper posture and keep your head up facing straight ahead. It’s OK to look up from the phone!

If you have severe or ongoing pain, consult your chiropractor for an overall evaluation. 


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