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Wellness Comes from a Positive Attitude

Wellness goes beyond the physical feeling and needs. A positive attitude can have an overall effect on Burnsville, MN residents’ overall physical and mental well being.  When it comes to the odds for success treatment, the patient who believes in the treatment will improve the success of their treatment.

According several studies mentioned in the US National Library of Medicine at the Nation Institutes of Health, optimism (or positive attitude) has a positive effect on the both mental and physical well-being. This fits with the biopsychosocial model (abbreviated "BPS"), which, according to Wikipedia, states that biological, psychological (which entails thoughts, emotions, and behaviors), and social (socio-economical, socio-environmental, and cultural) factors, all play a significant role in human functioning in the context of disease or illness.

Positive Attitude Tools

  • Think positive thoughts – When you start to have negative thoughts, replace them with positive thoughts. Write down positive statements, which you can use to remind yourself throughout the day.
  • A smile is worth a thousand words and a thousand positive thoughts!
  • Listen to your body and have a proactive approach to you well being.
  • Meditation allows your mind to clear and see things in new ways. Meditation can take many forms, like a cup of tea, yoga, prayer, or other quiet-time techniques.
  • Goal setting – this can include setting goals for overall well-being and increasing productivity
  • Exercise
  • Create good sleep schedules
  • Try humor – give yourself permission to laugh and find humor everyday.
  • Look for positive people in your life and allow them to help you create a positive, support network.

Everyone has bad days, but by keeping appositive attitude, you can move past those bad days and transform negativity into productivity. Develop a positive well being, for a better physical and mental state of being. You can ask your chiropractor for additional tips and ideas for overall wellness.  


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