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Help for Numbness and Tingling in Your Hand from Your Chiropractor

Many of the Burnsville, MN residents we see sit in front of computers for long hours each day doing repetitive motions. And many complain of numbness and tingling in their hand(s). If you are experiencing this, chiropractic can help.

Common prognosis

The nerves for your arms and hands come from the neck area. If repetitive movement compromises the bones in your neck, upper back, arm, wrist or hand, it can lead to your hands tingling. Many times, an uneven pressure or imbalances are in multiple areas. Your chiropractor will check all areas and recommend treatment.

The good news, this imbalance often responds very favorably to chiropractic care.

Other issues that can cause tingling or numbness

It’s important to note, tingling can be an early warning sign of diabetes. If you have other symptoms of diabetes, you should consider being tested.

You can lean more about causes and symptoms of tingling hands on


Your chiropractor will review your symptoms and discuss the best treatment for your condition, taking into consideration any underlying medical concerns. The common course for treatment may include:

  • Spinal manipulation
  • Muscle manipulation or massage
  • Recommendations for boosting nutrition
  • Avoiding alcohol

If you are experiencing tingling in your hands, make an appointment to see your chiropractor for a full review. Numbness in your hands should not be an everyday occurrence. 


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