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How long does an adjustment last, and other frequently asked questions about chiropractic

New patients at Skyline Chiropractic, Burnsville, MN, will often have questions about the adjustments, including the frequency. Let’s take a look at some of those questions and discuss actions you can take to speed recovery.

Common questions of new chiropractic patients:

  1. How many adjustments will I need?
  2. Will it hurt?
  3. How often and how many treatments will I need?
  4. What is that popping sound when a joint is adjusted?
  5. What steps can you take to lengthen the time between adjustments?

First of all, every injury and patient is different. The number of adjustments needed depends on many factors, which your chiropractor will outline in your treatment plan. The nature of your complaints, along with the nature of the condition will guide the need for treatments. The more acute or chronic your pain or status the more treatments you will most likely need. 

The number of visits should not be a concern. Chiropractic treatments are covered by most insurance policies, and the cash option is affordable.

Will it hurt?

Most people say that chiropractic adjustment result in relief, not pain. But, depending on the status of your body, there may be some slight discomfort.

When your joint is adjusted, you will often hear a popping noise, like you would when your “crack” your knuckles. It is simply a gas bubble being released between the joints. There is usually minimal discomfort, if any, involved.

Your part in recovery

As part of your treatment plan, your chiropractor will recommend activities to help your adjustments last longer and lead to recovery. Common recommendations include:

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Stay active. Your chiropractor will often recommend stretches and exercises to help you body gain mobility.
  • Sleep on your back or your side. Stomach sleeping puts pressure on your neck.
  • Sit properly at your computer or workstation. Be sure to keep proper alignment, keeping your elbows at your side and your fee resting on the floor.
  • Sit properly in your car, with your rear view mirror positioned so you can see clearly. We all spend many hours a week in our cars, so be sure to maintain proper alignment.

Some patients can go months or years without another treatment. The best prescription is following your treatment plan and doing all you can to stay healthy. Once you understand your body’s needs, you will be on your way to healthy living. 


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