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Tips for Parents from Your Chiropractor for Avoiding Injuries to Themselves

Burnsville, MN moms are known for wanting to be involved with their children. But when lifting a child leads to an injury, it can slow them down. Your chiropractor has tips for avoiding those “mom injuries”.

One of the most common “mom injuries” comes from sitting on the floor in straddle position with your children, and then bending forward or moving a leg straight out and reaching or twisting. The potential for injuring your leg, hip or back is very high.

Likewise, you should be mindful of kneeling on the floor to change the baby. It is hard on your knees and back.

Lifting Techniques

Check-out these simple tips for lifting children:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart
  • Bend your knees and keep your back straight
  • Use both arms when lifting the child
  • Avoid twisting when holding, lowering or lifting the child
  • When lowering a child, bend your knees and try to keep your back straight

Try to avoid carrying your child on your hip. Keep the child in a neutral position and hold with two hands. Consider using a hands-free carrier that provides symmetrical support and the baby sits above your hips.

Avoid the Mom Arm

You are driving with your children in the back seat and one drops something or you feel the need to try to reach for them. Stop. Overstretching your arm can cause injury to your arm, shoulder, neck or back.

Many injuries come because of repetition. So, switch sides when carrying the diaper bag or the baby.

If you do happen to develop a “mom injury”, see your chiropractor for an assessment and treatment plan, so you can get back to parenting.


Tips for a Healthy Spine

Heaving Lifting: A new Mom’s Guide for Avoiding Injury


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