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Top 5 Reasons to Visit Your Chiropractor During the Holidays

The holidays in Burnsville, MN bring cheer, celebration, family, food and twinkling lights. They can also take their toll on your body, detracting from the celebrating.

Don’t miss any of the celebrations. Here are five reasons to visit your chiropractor this holiday season

  1. Stress. They’re so many happenings during the holidays. You have holiday parties to attend and host, concerts, gifts to buy, decorating to do and cookies to make all while still having to work and get the kids to school. Stress can take a big toll on your body and cause a lot of aches and pains.
  2. Shopping. Let’s face it. Even if you enjoy shopping, it can be stressful. You can also hurt yourself carrying all those packages. Plus, let’s not forget the risk of a car accident in the busy mall parking lot.
  3. Holiday food. We love it! But, sometimes our bodies don’t like all the rich food. Your chiropractor can share the best supplements and dietary recommendations to get your body back in synch.  
  4. Travel. When talking about holiday stress, travel jumps to the top of the list. It doesn’t matter if you are driving over the hills and through the woods to Grandma’s house or flying on a crowded jet plane. The seats are NOT comfortable. And, throwing a bag into a trunk or an over-head bin are easy ways to throw your back out. Never fear, help is near.
  5. Shoveling. Whether you are shoveling snow or the needles from your tree, there is the potential for injury. If you are injured, see you chiropractor for a full evaluation. To help you avoid potential injury, check out these shoveling tips.

BONUS REASON: Patient Appreciation Holiday Special on Saturday, December 12 from 8-10 a.m. at Skyline Chiropractic. Adjustments are only $20 and there is no appointment necessary. New patients are welcome.

We hope you have enjoyable and pain-free holidays!


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