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When Stretching Isn’t Your Best Option

We’ve talked previously about the benefits of stretching along with your chiropractic treatments. There are many injuries, which improve with exercise and stretching. But, sometimes you can do more harm than good to your body when you stretch at the wrong time.

Stretching and Exercise      

Many of us grew up being told to stretch before and after we exercise. As pointed out in a New York Times article, several recent studies show you can impair your workout performance by stretching cold muscles.

The studies were based on strength exercises. The evidence seems to conclude pre-exercise stretching makes the muscles less able to build their strength. So, if you are going to run a long distance, go ahead and stretch before you start. If you are going to lift weights, wait to stretch until after you have had a good warm-up.

Tight Muscles

Many of us sit all day at work. We simply do not move enough. This causes tightness in many of our muscles, especially our lower back, hips and legs.

You know the feeling. You get up from your desk and your hamstrings feel very tight. Your first instinct might be to stretch. But, it’s important to remember stretching a tight muscle without correcting the reason it's tight will only result in that muscle getting tight again. If you feel a stretch is in order, bend from the hip, and not the lower back.

When you have been in one position for a long time, consider slowly moving, first. Once you’ve warmed up your muscles, you can consider a stretch or two.

Alternatives to Stretching

In addition to a good stretch, there are other things you can do to keep your muscles in good working order.

Foam roller or self-myofascial release (SMR). As an alternative to lengthening the muscles, the foam roller creates a neural down-regulation that reduces resting muscle tone. In a nut-shell, you are giving yourself a very targeted massage.

Warm ups. As mentioned earlier, a warm muscle reacts better to exercise and stretching. If you are going for a run, consider doing some lunges, squats and skips. Your body will be better prepared for the longer-form exercise.

Chiropractic care. If you are having a re-occurring issue, you need to find the root of the problem and fix it. Your chiropractor can evaluate the situation and suggest a care plan.

Don’t stop stretching, just think before you do it. And, if you can, warm-up first. 


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