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Chiropractic Help for Rib Pain

By Karlynn L. Benson, D.C.

Recently, a patient came in complaining of a reoccurring sharp stabbing pain coming from her rib area. After examination, the diagnosis was costochondritis or Tietze’s syndrome. Luckily, chiropractic treatment can help.

What is Costochondritis?

Costochondritis is an inflammation of the cartilage connecting the ribs to the sternum or breastbone. The condition most often affects the cartilage where the upper ribs attach to the breastbone (sternum). This area is referred to as the costosternal joint.By Henry Vandyke Carter - Henry Gray (1918) Anatomy of the Human Body (See

The symptoms include sharp, stabbing pain, and is often worse when taking a breath or coughing. If the cause is near an upper rib, the pain can radiate to the arm, which can be quite alarming.

What causes costochondritis?

The cause of costochondritis can often be a mystery. The patient mentioned above found it was her new work station. She had recently added two larger screens, and found she was moving between screens by moving her torso, instead of her entire body.

Many other activities have the potential to cause this kind or rib injury. You are at higher risk if you

  • Regularly lift heavy items
  • Perform manual labor
  • Have allergies
  • Have recently had pneumonia
  • Have arthritis

As was the case with this patient, the rib pain turned into an ongoing chronic situation. This is most often seen in people who have:

  • Poor thoracic core muscles
  • Sedentary occupations
  • Women with large breasts
  • People who carry loads for prolonged times
  • Increased thoracic curvature (kyphosis)
  • Scoliosis of the mid-back

It is key to identify the underlying problem and work to address it.

Treatment for Rib Pain

Chiropractic treatment is a natural effective treatment for costochondritis. A National Institutes of Health study found chiropractic management of Tietze syndrome (costochondritis) was successful in reducing pain levels.

Many times, the rib itself will out of alignment (a rib subluxation) causing increased inflammation with each breath in and out. I recommend an adjustment, which can be a bit uncomfortable, but the relief is generally instantaneous if this is the cause of the irritation.

Keeping the entire body in alignment, will help the ribs remain in place and heal faster.

Additional treatment recommendations: 

  • Applying cold packs to reduce swelling
  • Anti-inflammatory over-the-counter drugs, like ibuprofen
  • Support, like a rib belt, Ace bandage or another support like athletic tape
  • Avoid strenuous activities
  • Support your ribs if you feel the need to sneeze or cough

Rib Friendly Living

For those who want to improve their condition and avoid it in the future, here are some everyday living guidelines:

  • Have good posture
  • Keep your back straight when you bend
  • Avoid twisting your back
  • Keep activities between your knees and shoulders and close to your body.
  • Use a lumbar support cushion when sitting
  • Adjust your chair height as to avoid forward bending
  • Avoid reaching forward beyond an arm’s length
  • Avoid repeatedly twisting your back.

Extending your arms and body too far when lifting and reaching can re-injure or irritate it. Many common household chores, like vacuuming your house, call for you to keep your back straight and avoid twisting.

Once you are on your way to recovery, we can discuss therapeutic strengthening exercises to build strength and help to avoid re-injury.

Please remember, all chest pain is an emergency. If you think you may be having a heart attack, it is best to go to the emergency room. This article is meant to discuss other types of injuries and how chiropractic can help.

Now on to healthy living!

Image By Henry Vandyke Carter - Henry Gray (1918) Anatomy of the Human Body (See "Book" section below) Gray's Anatomy, Plate 390, Public Domain, 


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