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Family Primary Care Chiropractic

by  L. Benson, D.C.

If you’ve been in our waiting room, you may have notice entire families walking into an exam room. Because chiropractic care is for the entire family. Let’s look at some of the advantages

Primary Care

I can be your family’s primary caregiver. I can make the first diagnosis and determine if anyone should be referred to another doctor. Because I see the family on a regular basis, we will catch issues early, before they become chronic.

A pilot study published in the Journal of Chiropractic Research showed children who had more than seven visits to the chiropractor each year had an increased resistance to common childhood diseases.

The real advantage is the maintaining proper alignment for the entire family. Like a regular oil change for your car, chiropractic keeps your body running properly. 

Cost Savings

Let’s face it, doctor’s appointments can add-up. The cost of a chiropractic check-up is less expensive than a last minute physician’s visit. As your care partner, I will know when to escalate an issue and when I can treat it at your regular chiropractic visit.

Time Savings

We all know you are busy. Instead of coordinating your chiropractor visit with your spouse, or finding someone to watch the kids, the entire family can come in together. Then, 10-15 minutes later, you are on your way, and everyone is healthier and happier.

Safe and Natural

The key factor for parents is chiropractic care is safe and natural.

Do you have questions about chiropractic care for the family? Contact Skyline Chiropractic and let us help.


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