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Bouncy Houses, Injuries and Chiropractic Care

by Karlynn L. Benson, D.C.

They are at fairs, festivals, amusement parks and in your Burnsville neighbor’s backyard. Your kids cannot resist them. I’m talking about the bouncy house.

A 2012 study in the journal Pediatrics found that the number of injuries related to inflatable bounce houses increased significantly in recent years. Some 30 children a day are treated for broken bones, scrapes, sprains and concussions from inflatable amusement accidents.

Most injuries occur when children bump or fall into each other. Many will occur when they fall out of the house. Because the children are having fun, they are less likely to report the pain they are experiencing. Sometimes the pain is delayed until after they stop the activity.

Best Practice Guidelines

The Culture of Safety share these guidelines for using a bouncy house:

Follow all manufacturer instructions and guidelines

  • Using an inflatable as intended is the safest way. Make sure all straps are used properly and the inflatable is set up as intended. If there are straps that are not being used, ensure they are properly tied up so that children can’t get entangled in them.

Only allow children of the same size/age in an inflatable together

  • Older kids can end up hurting younger kids by bouncing aggressively and knocking into them.

Only use outdoor inflatables in good weather

  • If the weather conditions are at all questionable, remove children from the inflatable.

Ensure inflatables used indoors have adequate ground padding and clearance around them

  • Serious injuries have occurred from children falling off inflatables onto a hard floor.

Closely supervise children playing in inflatables, no matter how old they are

  • There’s no substitute for close supervision. Older kids and even adults can get hurt in an inflatable.

If an injury occurs –

After a fun day of playing in the bouncy house, ask your child how they are feeling. If they complain of a headache, dizziness or low back pain, be sure to schedule a time for a full evaluation. Whiplash is the most common injury, so understanding the symptoms is key.

With proper care, many mild whiplash injuries heal within six to nine months. It is a unique condition that requires the expertise of a skilled health professional specially trained to work with these types of injuries. The most effective treatment for whiplash injuries is a combination of chiropractic care, rehabilitation of the soft tissues and taking care of yourself at home. 

So, go have fun, but use caution, and be sure to have adult supervision over the bouncy house. 

Photo by Skylar Zilka on Unsplash


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