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Car accident? Where can you find a chiropractor near Burnsville MN?

by Karlynn L. Benson, D.C.

It happens. Someone tails you too close and hits you from behind. Or you think the person ahead is moving forward, but they don’t. Ouch! However it happens, a car accident is often some of the worst trauma your body can feel.

What to do next?

 It is always important to make sure you don’t have any broken bones, internal injuries or a concussion. But many times, the real pain, doesn’t hit you for a day or two. And, your medical doctor may just give you pain pills or tell you to take an analgesic.

Chiropractors specialize in the understanding the spine. They can help you understand if there has been trauma and whiplash. A n examination will help you understand what you need to do to move beyond the pain from the accident.

Where can I find a great chiropractor near Burnsville MN?

It’s not easy to find any kind of healthcare provider. So, you often need to rely on searches and friends advice.

I ask you not to take my word for the kind of care you will receive, but listen to our happy patients.

Skyline Chiropractic is conveniently located off Burnsville Parkway and I-35W. It is easy to find and get to no matter where you live in Burnsville.

Wondering what to expect?

We share what to expect with you along with a guide to the frequency of treatments.

After the first visit, we will work together to put a treatment plan in place for a speedy recovery. 

Any questions? Please ask!

We hope we can provide you with great chiropractic treatment and put you on the path to recovery.


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