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Back to School Sports, Children and Chiropractic

by Karlynn L. Benson, D.C.

Kids are heading back to school, and starting the fall organized sports season. Sports are a great way for children to boost confidence, learn teamwork, build camaraderie and gain consistent physical activity. But, with participation in sports on the rise, so comes the increased risk of injury.

Chiropractic care focuses on preventative health, so children can remain healthy. It also aims to diagnose potential injuries early, before they become chronic.

The Institute for Preventative Sports Medicine estimates that each year, there are almost 212 million school days missed by students due to musculoskeletal injuries, the vast majority of which are sports-related injuries. The financial costs for treating these injuries are in the billions.

Preventative Chiropractic Care

At Skyline Chiropractic, one of our goals is to show patients the benefit of preventative care. We encourage people to be evaluated and begin care before they experience an injury or feel pain.

All kids, and especially those in sports, should have an evaluation before the season begins. Then, they should continue care throughout the season, to pinpoint any potential injuries before they become an issue.

Kids bounce back quickly and often ignore a bruise or slight pain. But, a small injury or misalignment of the spine can remain silent for many years. Then, when another injury occurs it can develop in to bone spurs or degeneration. Developing an early intervention chiropractic strategy can help to prevent further injury.

Injury’s Signals

We hate to discuss it, but when an injury does occur, your child may not realize what has happened. They might feel they just had a hard workout and their body is stressed. So, parents need to play a part, and be sure to take extra notice for any potential issues.

If a child takes painkillers, it may be masking the actual issue. Chiropractic care is an all-natural and drug-free alternative to helping the body heal, which is a better option for children.

As you are making other back-to-school child healthcare appointments, don’t for get the chiropractic appointment. And let’s hope this sporting season will be successful and injury-free. 


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