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7 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

by Karlynn L. Benson, D.C.

As 2017 approaches, we at Skyline Chiropractic are giving back to the Burnsville community with a few simple ideas to make it a healthy, happy year.

Many people resolve to do things each year, but sometimes, it is very hard to keep those resolutions. Here are seven New Year’s Resolutions that will make your life better, happier, and they are super easy to keep!

7 New Year's Resolutions

1.  Drink more water

Water is the single-most abundant nutrient in the body, accounting for around 60% - 65% of your total weight. It is also the least forgiving of all the nutrients you consume. So, when you drink enough water, you help your body remain healthy. Ideally, the average person should consume around ten cups of water per day, or just over a half gallon. 

2.  Stop drinking soft drinks

This goes along with #1, drink more water. Soft drinks or soda pop actually decreases your hydration. Of course, we all know the fizzy drinks with their sweet taste are hard to resist. But, the risk of weight gain, diabetes and heart problems should be reason enough to avoid them.

In a CNN article quoting medical research, we learn, “Diet drinks have many of the same health risks as regular soft drinks, including tooth decay and bone thinning, and they've also been linked to heart disease and depression in women.”

There really isn’t a “safe” soft drink, so drink more water.

3.  Take a daily 30-minute walk

Exercise in any form is great, but the easiest, most natural way to stay active is to take a walk. You don’t need special equipment, and you can do it anywhere.

You don’t need to do all 30 minutes at one time. One patient works to get in her 10,000 steps by going to the restroom on a different floor of her office building and taking the stairs. She also takes 10-minute breaks throughout the day, where she may just walk around her office.

Let’s get moving!

4.  Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night

If you want to feel better, get the proper amount of sleep. Many of us think we can function five hours of sleep a night, but in reality, we are not our best. Our bodies need time to heal and rejuvenate each day. If you cheat your body of the proper rest, it will not perform, as you need.

A recent AAA study found drivers who lacked sleep were just as likely to be in an accident as those who were impaired by drugs or alcohol.

5.  Turn-off the screens 30 minutes before bed

This is probably the hardest resolution on the list. We all want to look at our phones or tablets as we wind down for the night. But, research has found the blue light given off, decreases the melatonin produced, which leads to decreased sleep.

If you resolve to turn off the screens, you can resolve to get more sleep!

6.  Give back 

Find a way to help others. This can be as easy as shoveling your neighbor’s sidewalk. Or volunteering at a charity. Or donating to your favorite cause.

These are all are great ideas. What can you do to help others?

7.  Smile

Research says the simple act of smiling can make you happier. This same research found that people who frown during an unpleasant procedure, felt more pain.

So, smile in 2017, you will be happier and so will those around you!

We wish you a very happy and healthy New Year!


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