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Keep This Resolution - Drink More Water

by Karlynn L. Benson, D.C.

Last year, we discussed seven new year’s resolutions you can keep. This year, I am recommending if you can’t keep all of them, remember to keep #1, drink more water!

By the middle of January, many folks are giving up on their resolutions. The gyms are emptier and the snack section of the grocery store is looking better, again. Let’s take a minute to look at how drinking water helps the body, reinforcing the premise that this is the one resolution you need to keep.

Signs of Dehydration

A lack of water can have effects on body you may not expect. Your back pain could be linked to it. The fluid between your vertebrae discs, which are 90% water, need water to remain resilient and act as a cushion.

Do you suffer from headaches? Dehydration may be a cause.  If you are prone to migraines, remember to drink more water as a way to keep them at bay.

An easy way to monitor your hydration by reviewing the color of your urine. Aim to have a pale yellow color. If it is darker, drink more water.

Big Benefits

All the extra water may have unexpected benefits. The big benefits of drinking water include:

  • Healthier skin and shinier hair
  • Brightened eyes
  • Less fatigue
  • Decreased risk of infection
  • More regular bowel movements
  • Increased exercise performance
  • Lower blood pressure

January is one of our driest months, so staying hydrated is especially important. If you are keeping the exercise resolution, be sure to drink during and after your workout.

Here’s a challenge. Fill a water bottle or tall glass, and aim to empty it at least 4-8 times during the day. You will be happy you are keeping the resolution to drink more water. 


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