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Text Neck Giving You Pain?

Does your neck hurt after a great text conversation or watching an episode of your favorite show on your phone or tablet? Does the pain spread to your shoulders and upper back? You could be suffering from text neck.

Text neck is more prominent in today’s world of screens. Especially with millennials and Gen Z, who prefer texting for communication. Let’s explore the issue, and discuss helpful exercises and the benefits of chiropractic care for helping with the pain.

Text Neck or Forward Head Posturing

Text neck isn’t new. It just has a new name. Anyone who stares down for long periods of time on a regular basis is susceptible. We previously discussed the pains of a forward head posture (FHP). What is new, is seeing it in a lot of younger people, and largely because of one activity.

The strain of your head, which can weigh five to ten pounds, actually feels heavier when it is not sitting directly over your neck and shoulders. That added pressure caused strain to the supporting spine and other muscles and bones.

How do you know if you have text neck? Some common symptoms are -

  • Neck pain or tightness
  • Shoulder pain or tightness
  • Upper back pain, which may include spasms or just be an ongoing dull pain
  • Tingling or pain in your upper extremities
  • Avoiding Text Neck

I could say you should give up your phone, but that is not realistic. You should consider holding your phone at eye level and cause less strain.

With any repetitive injury, the key is to take breaks and space out your use throughout the day. I would encourage you to take breaks from all mobile devices and technology, especially when you start to feel neck pain starting.

When you are working at a computer, keep the screen at eye level and avoid looking down.

Counteracting the Forward Posture

There are great exercises you can do to help to counteract text neck.

Pigeon neck is the reverse of the downward posture. Just pull your chin back and have your head alien over your torso.

Nod your head yes and hold it at the top of your motion. Be careful not to extend past your range of motion

Open your shoulders by clasping your hands behind your head and opening your elbows out to the side squeezing your shoulder blades back.

Help from Chiropractic Care

The first step is to have an evaluation. Many people find benefits from spinal adjustments, massage and other therapies.

Schedule an evaluation in Burnsville, and let’s stop that pain in the neck.

Photo by Thom Holmes on Unsplash 


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