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What Your Range of Motion is Telling You and How Chiropractic Can Help

Happiness is when your body is moving as it should. But, when a Burnsville resident like you can’t move your head all they way to the left or lift your arm all the way up to reach a high shelf, your lifestyle if cramped and unhappy. And, no one likes a cramped lifestyle. Let’s explore how chiropractic can help your range of motion, and get you back to feeling happy.

The Limited Lifestyle

The simplest of tasks like reaching a glass in the cupboard, tying your shoes or using your mouse at work require your joints to extend. These simple moves can be hard or nearly impossible when your range of motion is limited. 

When you have limited range of motion in any joint, your stability and mobility is compromised. Recognizing your limits is the first step to moving toward correcting the issue.

The Causes of Your Pain

Limited range of motion is often a symptom of after an injury. This should be a warning sign to you. Your next move requires seeking help. 

It is important to remember injuries come in varying sizes. A car accident or a sports injury are easily identifiable. But that weekend of heavy gardening might cause the same pain in the neck. 

Repetitive motions, like typing, using a mouse, looking down at a screen or raking, can cause limited range of motion. In fact, carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by repetitive motion and causes a limited range of motion.

Helping Your Body Move with Chiropractic

Your spine is the key to your entire body’s range of motion. And, spinal alignment is the first move to keeping your body in balance. Once we assess your issue, align your spine and possibly manipulate of other joints, you be on the road to recovery of your range of motion. 

Next, we will discuss stretches and exercises to help to keep your body aligned and balanced. Ice or heat therapy is often recommended to help your muscles heal. 

The goal is to make sure you can do all of your everyday tasks and enjoy life!  

Please share if you have any questions about how chiropractic can help. 

Photo by Mitchell Hollander on Unsplash


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